Monthly Archives: July 2009
Frank Auld: Honouring Neal
Neal was adviser for my doctoral dissertation. He worked out a superb design for my experiment; he stood at my elbow, giving support and sagacious advice as I slogged through getting the data; and he critiqued my writing it … Continue reading
Professor Efrain Azmitia: Contribution to Research
It was 1968 when I first joined Dr. Miller’s laboratory as a graduate student of Bruce McEwen. Dr. Miller’s laboratory was the first neuroscience laboratory I had encountered. He had physiological psychologists (e.g., Ted Coons, Jay Weiss, David Quartermain, George … Continue reading
Dr. Bob
Neal was a critical factor in my practice of internal medicine/nephrology. He taught me about the art of science, more so than I ever learned in medical school or subsequent training. I learned from him in my research with him … Continue reading
List of Miller’s students
Graduate students Aaronson, Inez (Y=Yale) Agarie, Nariyuki (Y), OKINAWA Auld, Frank (Y) Azmitia, Efrain (R=Rockefeller) Bailey, Clark J. (Y) Banuazizi, Ali (Y) Berkun, Mitchell M. (Y) Birge, Jane S. (Y) Bower, Gordon H. (Y) Brown, Janet L. … Continue reading
Niels Birbaumer: Paralysis, scoliosis and learning: a tribute to my friend Neal Miller
During the early seventies we read the first time about a curare experiment: completely paralyzed rats were able to learn in an operant learning situation to control different aspects of the physiology. These reports which later turned out to be … Continue reading
A reading from Hall and Lindsey about S-R theory of personality
Introduction to S-R theory of personality
An Overview of Neal Miller’s contributions
The most basic professional facts and themes of his life – which are elaborated upon elsewhere in this website – are as follows: He is ranked among the ten most eminent psychologists of the 20th Century and was personally awarded … Continue reading
Rockefeller University Obituaries
Neal Miller, a pioneer in thefield of neuroscience who in1965 received the U.S. NationalMedal of Science, the nation’shighest award for scientificachievement, died March 23 inHamden, Connecticut. Millerwas 92. He was a member ofthe Rockefeller faculty from1966 to 1988.Miller was best … Continue reading
Biofeedback and Visceral Learning
We present one of Neal’s more influential articles regarding biofeedback. Written in 1978, Neal defines biofeedback; then deals with the question of which visceral responses can be affected by instrumental training. View more documents from Helik Shemer.
APA The Neal Miller Lecture Program
The Neal Miller Lecture Program is an annual Science Directorate program developed by the Board of Scientific Affairs. Each year, one eminent scientist is selected to give a lecture dedicated to neuroscience and animal research at the APA Annual Convention. The … Continue reading