The recent World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies which was held in Boston June 2-5, 2010 has posted the following paragraph in the scientific program page in its internet site (
“The WCBCT commemorates Neal E. Miller (1909-2002)
Dr. Neal Miller, a professor of psychology and neuroscience, proved to be a pioneering force in studies of motivation and, learning and reward. His influence in the areas of biofeedback and behavioral medicine was equally invaluable .
Neal Miller served as president of the American Psychological Association (1960-61), the Society for Neuroscience (1971-72 and founding member in 1969), the Academy of Behavioral Medicine (1978-79 and founding member) and the Biofeedback Society of America (1984). In addition, he was honored with various awards and titles, including; the National Medal of Science, The millennial ANDP Award in Neuroscience Education, James Rowland Angell Professor of Psychology at Yale, Professor Emeritus at Rockefeller . Dr. Miller influenced a generation of psychologists and specifically behaviorally inclined psychotherapist. It was already in 1950 that together with Dollard he argued (also cited In a letter he wrote to Joseph Wolpe, 1978) that: “psychotherapy as a process of emotional reeducation involving the unlearning of maladaptive responses and the learning of more adaptive one.”
To read more about Professor Miller’s extensive and significant impact on the field of psychology go to”