We are happy to inform that the new issue of the biofeedback magazine published by the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback is dedicated to Neal’s work.
While the committee has not been overly active recently, I hope this event will spur more action from us all.
Following is a list of the articles in the latest issue. Most of them have been previously published in our site; www.nealmiller.org:
Testimonial for and Reminiscences about Neal Miller
Gordon H. Bower
Neal Miller and the Integration of Psychoanalysis and Behavior Therapy
Paul L. Wachtel
Phil Zimbardo Remembers Neal Miller
Philip Zimbardo
Neal E. Miller and His Research
Edgar E. Coons and Sarah F. Leibowitz
Paralysis, Scoliosis, and Learning: A Tribute to My Friend Neal Miller
Niels Birbaumer
What Psychology as a Science Owes Neal Miller: The Example of His Biofeedback Research
Edward Taub.
We hope that the fall Issue will contain papers that deals with the Legacy of Neal MIller