The Biofeedback Odyssey: From Neal Miller to Current and Future Models of Regulation

Nava Levit Binnun, PhD, Yulia Golland, PhD, Michael Davidovitch, MD, and Arnon Rolnick PhD, Herzelia, Israel. The following articles represent the fact that Neal Miller concepts and theory continues to influence researches all over the world. The work presented here is part of a research project of The Unit for Applied Neuroscience, Israel The Unit for Applied Neuroscience at IDC Herzliya is a research group that aims to apply recent advances in neuroscience to the solution of practical challenges in a broad range of fields, such as education and training in organizations and schools; rehabilitation of neurological patients; optimizing treatment of developmental disorders (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorders-ADHD), and creating optimal growth environments for children in general. The current article was published in Biofeedback  (the official clinical journal of the American Association for Applied Psychophysiology and biofeedback. Here is the Abstract of the Article: Neal Miller’s research on animals and humans launched the field of self-regulation, enabling individuals to take a more active role in their health and well-being. However, his inquiry into whether autonomic operant conditioning occurs remains open to debate. This article contends that present day biofeedback therapists continue to be confronted by this dilemma. Additionally, the authors suggest other models of biofeedback in which the role of the practitioner has been expanded, and to which a large repertoire of self-regulation techniques have been added. They propose that, in the future, the regulatory capacity of interpersonal interactions is recognized as in the proffered model of biofeedback, Dyadic Biofeedback (DBF). DBF allows for real-time training of interpersonal interactions emphasizing learning through direct observation and active involvement – thus making a return to Miller’s model.


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