Monthly Archives: July 2009

Current Status & Evaluation

The following is an excerpt from the chapter, Stimulus-Response Theory, in Theories of Personality ( Hall, C.S. & Lindzey, G.,  1970). Current Status and Evaluation                The application of S-R learning principles to behavioral events outside the laboratory has mostly taken place during the … Continue reading

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The Guardian (UK) Obituaries about Neal Miller

Neal Miller Derided by other psychologists 40 years ago, his pioneering work on biofeedback now routinely brings relief to a host of medical problems Pearce Wright Guardian Thursday April 4, 2002   Neal Miller, the psychologist and neuroscientist, who has … Continue reading

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The story behind Miller’s Vienna trip (In Neal’s own words)

Miller had an insight about the similarity between Freud’s conception of repression and Pavlov’s conception of inhibition, he resolved to extend Hull’s program to an examination of Freudian theory and practice in terms of the laws of learning. He was … Continue reading

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The Birth of Biofeedback

Taken by permission from Biofeedback, Mind-Body Medicine, and the Higher Limits of Human Nature Donald Moss, Ph.D. A chapter included in: D. Moss (Ed.). (1998). Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology: A Historical and Biographical Sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing. Reprinted with … Continue reading

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Psychoanalysis & Science Bibliography

Miller: Miller, N. E. (1948).  Theory and experiment relating psychoanalytic displacement to stimulus-response generalization. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 43, 155-178. Miller, N. E. (1951).  Comments on theoretical models. Illustrated by the development of a theory of conflict behavior. … Continue reading

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Learning & Motivation Bibliograpghy

Miller: Miller, N. E. (1941).  An experimental investigation of acquired drives.  Psychological Bulletin, 38, 534-535.  [abstract of paper presented at the annual meeting of the APA] Miller, N. E. (1944).  Experimental studies of conflict behavior.  In J. McV. Hunt (Ed.), … Continue reading

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Behavioral Medicine Bibliography

Miller: Miller, N. E. (1955).  Shortcomings of food consumption as a measure of hunger: Results from other behavioral techniques.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 63, 141-143. Miller, N. E. (1956).  Effects of drugs on motivation: The value … Continue reading

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Biofeedback Bibliography

Miller: Miller, N. E. (1967).  Behavioral and physiological techniques: Rationale and experimental designs for combining their use.  In C. F. Code & W. Heidel (Eds.), Handbook of physiology, Section 6: Alimentary canal, Vol. 1: Food and water intake (pp. 51-61).  … Continue reading

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The Origins of Biofeedback The contributions of many earlier researchers and practitioners can be cited as forerunners of biofeedback: Edmund Jacobsen commenced research at Harvard in 1908, and throughout the 1920’s and 1930’s worked to develop progressive muscle relaxation as … Continue reading

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