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Miller, N. E. (1961). Some recent studies of conflict behavior and drugs. American Psychologist, 16, 12-24.
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Miller, N. E. (1981). The role of learning in neuroses, visceral responses and therapy [in Chinese]. Shinli Kexue Tongxiun, 3, 43-50.
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Miller, N. E. (1981). Effects of stress and coping on physical health [in Chinese]. Shinli Kexue Tongxiun, 3, 1-10.
Miller, N. E. (1981). Hypertension: Effects of learning and stress. In Hypertension: Biobehavioral and epidemiological aspects, 1981 (pp. 75-92). Joint USA-USSR Symposium, Bethesda, MD, May 18-19, 1981. NIH Publication No. 80-22015.
Miller, N. E. (1981). Learning in the homeostatic regulation of visceral processes. In G. Adam, I. Meszaros, & E. I. Banyai (Eds.), Advances in physiological science, Vol. 17, Brain and behavior (pp. 141-151). Budapest: Akademiai, Kiado.
Miller, N. E. (1982). Learning and regulation of visceral processes [in Russian]. Journal of
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Miller, N. E. (1982). Some behavioral factors relevant to cancer. In S. M. Levy (Ed.), Biological mediators of behavior and diseases: Neoplasia (pp. 113-122). New York: Elsevier Biomedical.
Miller, N. E. (1983). Behavioral medicine: Symbiosis between laboratory and clinic. Annual Review of Psychology, 34, 1-31.
Miller, N. E. (1983). Some main themes and highlights of the conference. In G. C. Stone (Ed.), Health Psychology, 2, 11-14: Suppl. to the Proceedings of the National Working Conference on Education and Training in Health Psychology, May 23-27.
Miller, N. E. (1983). Understanding the use of animals in behavioral research: Some critical issues. In J. A. Sechzer (Ed.), The role of animals in biomedical research. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 406, 113-118.
Miller, N. E. (1984). Behavioral medicine. In R. J. Corsini (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology, Vol. 1, 126-130. New York: Wiley Interscience.
Miller, N. E. (1984). Learning: Some facts and needed research relevant to maintaining health. In J. D. Matarazzo, S. M. Weiss, J. A. Herd, N. E. Miller, & S. M. Weiss (Eds.), Behavioral health: A handbook of health enhancement and disease prevention (pp. 199-208). New York: Wiley Interscience.
Miller, N. E. (1984). Synthesis and some future needs. In J. A. Herd, A. M. Gotto, P. G. Kaufman, & S. M. Weiss (Eds.), Cardiovascular instrumentation: Applicability on new technology to biobehavioral research (pp. 321-326). Washington, D.C.: NIH Publication No. 84-1654.
Miller, N. E. (1984). Value and ethics of research on animals. Laboratory Primate Newsletter, 23(3), 1-10.
Miller, N. E. (1985). Effects of emotional stress on the immune system. Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science, 20(April-June), 47-52.
Miller, N. E. (1985). The value of behavioral research on animals. American Psychologist, 40, 423-440.
Miller, N. E. (1985). Theoretical models relating animal experiment on fear to clinical phenomena. In A. H. Tuma & J. D. Maser (Eds.), Anxiety and the anxiety disorders (pp. 261-272). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum.
Miller, N. E. (1986). The morality and humaneness of animal research on stress and pain. In D. D. Kelly (Ed.), Stress-induced analgesia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 467, 402-404.
Miller, N. E. (1987). Behavioral medicine. In G. Adelman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of neuroscience, (pp. 122-124). Boston, Massachusetts: Birkhauser.
Miller, N. E. (1987). General comments [contained within] Circulation,76, Supplement Conference on Behavioral Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease; Circulation Monograph Number 6, Part 2, 76, 221-222.
Miller, N. E. (1988). The Neesima Lectures, Medical Psychology: I. Experimental studies of fear (anxiety) and their clinical implications. II. Effects of psychological stress and coping on the health of the body. Japan: Doshisha University Press.
Miller, N. E. (1989). Placebo factors in treatment: Views of a psychologist. In M. Shepherd & N. Sartorius (Eds.), Non-specific aspects of treatment (pp.39-55). Toronto, Canada: Hans Huber Publishers [on behalf of World Health Organization].
Miller, N. E. (1989). Truth is victim of animal advocates’ zeal. New Haven Register [Connecticut], February 22, p. 11.
Miller, N. E. (1990). How the brain affects the health of the body. In K. D. Craig & S. M. Weiss (Eds.), Health enhancement, disease prevention, and early intervention (pp. 3-26). New York: Springer.
Miller, N. E. (1991). Commentary on Ulrich: Need to check truthfulness of statements by opponents of animal research. Psychological Science, 2(6), 422-424. American Psychological Society.
Miller, N. E. (1992). Behavior to the brain to health. In F. Samson & G. Adelman (Eds.), The neurosciences: Paths of discovery, II, (pp. 283-305). Boston, Massachusetts: Birkhauser.
Miller, N. E. (1992). Introducing and teaching much-needed understanding of the scientific process. [Note: Address upon receiving on August 16, 1991 the Award from the American Psychological Association for “Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to Psychology”] American Psychologist, 47(7), 848-850.
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Miller, N. E., Bailey, C. J., & Stevenson, J. A. F. (1950). Decreased “hunger” but increased food intake resulting from hypothalamic lesions. Science, 112, 256-259.
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Miller, N. E., & Barry, H., III. (1960). Motivational effects of drugs: Methods which illustrate some general problems in psychopharmacology. Psychopharmacologia, 1, 169-199.
Miller, N. E., & Brucker, B. S. (1979). A learned visceral response apparently independent of skeletal ones in patients paralyzed by spinal lesions. In N. Birbaumer & H. D. Kimmel (Eds.), Biofeedback and self-regulation (pp. 287-304). Hillside, New Jersey: Erlbaum.
Miller, N. E., & Carmona, A. (1967). Modification of a visceral response, salivation in thirsty dogs, by instrumental training with water reward. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 63, 1-6.
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Miller, N. E., Coons, E. E., Lewis, M., & Jensen, D. D. (1961). Electrode holders in chronic preparations. B. A simple technique for use with the rat. In D. E. Sheer (Ed.), Electrical stimulation of the brain (pp. 51-54). Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.
Miller, N. E., & DeBold, R. C. (1965). Classically conditioned tongue-licking and operant bar pressing recorded simultaneously in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59, 109-111.
Miller, N. E., & DiCara, L. (1967). Instrumental learning of heart-rate changes in curarized rats: Shaping, and specificity to discriminative stimulus. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 63, 12-19.
Miller, N. E., & DiCara, L. V. (1968). Instrumental learning of urine formation by rats; changes in renal blood flow. American Journal of Physiology, 215, 677-683.
Miller, N. E., DiCara, L. V., Solomon, H., Weiss, J. M., & Dworkin, B. (1970). Learned modifications of autonomic functions: A review and some
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Miller, N. E., & Dworkin, B. R. (1974). Visceral learning: Recent difficulties with curarized rats and significant problems for human research. In P. A. Obrist, A. H. Black, J. Brener, & L. V. DiCara (Eds.), Cardiovascular psychophysiology (pp. 312-331). Chicago: Aldine.
Miller, N. E., & Dworkin, B. R. (1980). Different ways in which learning is involved in homeostasis. In R. F. Thompson, L. H., Hicks, & V. B. Shyvrkov (Eds.), Neural mechanisms and learning (pp. 57-73). New York: Academic Press.
Miller, N. E., & Dworkin, B. R. (1982). Potentialities of automation and of continuous recording and training in life. In R. S. Surwit, R. B. Williams, Jr., A. Steptoe, & R. Biersner (Eds.), Behavioral treatment of disease (pp. 245-258). NATO Conference Series, 3. New York: Plenum Press.
Miller, N. E., Gottesman, K. S., & Emergy, N. (1964). Dose response to carbachol and norepinephrine in rat hypothalamus. American Journal of
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Miller, N. E., Hubert, G., & Hamilton, J. B. (1938). Mental and behavioral changes following male hormone treatment of adult castration, hypogonadism, and psychic impotence. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 38, 538-540.
Miller, N. E., Jensen, D. D., & Myers, A. K. (1961). Injury and excitation by electric current. B. A comparison of the Lilly waveform and the sixty-cycle sine wave. In D. E. Sheer (Ed.), Electrical stimulation of the brain (pp. 64-66). Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.
Miller, N. E., & Kessen, M. L. (1952). Reward effects of food via stomach fistula compared with those of food via mouth. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 45, 555-564.
Miller, N. E., & Miles, W. R. (1935). Effect of caffeine on the running speed of hungry, satiated and frustrated rats. Journal of Comparative Psychology., 20, 397-412.
Miller, N. E., & Miles, W. R. (1936). Alcohol and removal of reward. An analytical study of rodent maze behavior. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 21, 179-204.
Miller, N. E., Sampliner, R. I., & Woodrow, P. (1957). Thirst-reducing effects of water by stomach fistula vs. water by mouth measured by both a consummatory and an instrumental response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 50, 1-5.
Miller, N. E., & Stevenson, S. S. (1936). Agitated behavior of rats during experimental extinction and a curve of spontaneous recover. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 21, 205-231.
Miller, N. E., & Weiss, J. M. (1969). Effects of the somatic or visceral responses to punishment. In B. A. Campbell & R. M. Church (Eds.), Punishment and aversive behavior (pp. 343-372). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Further Contributions:
Adair, E. R., Miller, N. E., & Booth, D. A. (1968). Effects of continuous intravenous infusion of nutritive substance on consummatory behavior in rats. Communications in Behavioral Biology, Part A, 2, 25-37.
Bailey, C. J., & Miller, N. E. (1952). The effect of sodium amytal on an approach-avoidance conflict in cats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 45, 205-208.
Barry, H., III, Etheredge, E. E., & Miller, N. E. (1965). Counterconditioning and extinction of fear fail to transfer from amobarbital to nondrug state. Psychopharmacologia, 8, 150-156.
Barry, H., III, & Miller, N. E. (1962). Effects of drugs on approach-avoidance conflict tested repeatedly by means of a “telescope alley.” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 201-210.
Barry, H., III, & Miller, N. E. (1965). Comparison of drug effects on approach, avoidance, and escape motivation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59, 18-24.
Barry, H., III, Miller, N. E., & Tidd, G. E. (1962). Control stimulus change while testing effects of amobarbital on conflict. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 1071-1074.
Barry, H., III, Wagner, A. R., & Miller, N. E. (1962). Effects of alcohol and amobarbital on performance inhibited by experimental extinction. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 464-468.
Barry, H., III, Wagner, S. A., & Miller, N. E. (1963). Effects of several drugs on performance in an approach-avoidance conflict. Psychological Reports, 12, 215-221.
Berkun, M. M., Kessen, M. L., & Miller, N. E. (1952). Hunger-reducing effects of food by stomach fistula versus food by mouth measured by a consummatory response. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 45, 550-554.
Berntson, G. G., Potolicchio, S. R., Jr., & Miller, N. E. (1973). Evidence for higher functions of the cerebellum: Eating and grooming elicited by cerebellar stimulation in cats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 70, 2497-2499.
Birbaumer, N., Flor, H., Cevey, B., Dworkin, B., & Miller, N. E. (1994). Behavioral treatment of scoliosis and kyphosis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 38(6), 623-628.
Blizard, D. A., Cowings, P., & Miller, N. E. (1975). Visceral responses to opposite types of autogenic-training imagery. Biological Psychology, 3, 49-55.
Booth, D. A., Coons, E. E., & Miller, N. E. (1969). Blood glucose responses to electrical stimulation of the hypothalamic feeding area. Physiology and Behavior, 4, 991-1001.
Booth, D. A., Coons, E. E., & Miller, N. E. (1969). Lateral hypothalamus mediated effects of a food signal on blood glucose concentration. Physiology and Behavior, 4, 1003-1009.
Bower, G. B., & Miller, N. E. (1958). Rewarding and punishing effects from stimulating the same place in the rat’s brain. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 51, 669-674.
Bugelski, R., & Miller, N. E. (1938). A spatial gradient in the strength of avoidance responses. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 23, 494-505.
Carmona, A., Miller, N., & Demierre, T. (1972). A technique for the continuous recording of gastric vascular tonicity. Physiology and Behavior, 8, 1165-1168.
Carmona, A., Miller, N. E., & Demierre, T. (1974). Instrumental learning of gastric vascular tonicity responses. Psychosomatic Medicine, 36, 156-163.
Coile, D. C., & Miller, N. E. (1984). How radical animal activists try to mislead humane people. American Psychologist, 38, 700-701.
Coons, E. E., Levak, M., & Miller, N. E. (1965). Lateral hypothalamus: Learning of food-seeking response motivated by electrical stimulation. Science, 150, 1320-1321.
Cowings, P. S., Stout, C., Toscano, W. B., Reynoso, S., DeRoshia, C., & Miller, N. E. (1996). The effects of promethazine on human performance, mood states, and motion sickness tolerance. NASA Technical Memorandum 110420, November, (pp. 1-22). Moffett Field, California: Ames Research Center.
Davis. J. D., Lulenski, G. C., & Miller, N. E. (1968). Comparative studies of barbiturate self-administration. International Journal of the Addictions, 3, 207-214.
Davis, J. D., & Miller, N. E. (1963). Fear and pain: Their effect on self-injection of amobarbitol sodium by rats. Science, 141, 1286-1287.DeBold, R. C., Miller, N. E., & Jensen, D. D. (1965). Effect of strength of drive determined by a new technique for appetitive classical conditioning of rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 59, 102-108.
Davis, J. D., & Miller, N. E. (1966). A technique for mixing the blood of unanesthetized rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, 21, 1873-1874.
Davis, J. D., & Miller, N. E. (1966). A versatile and reliable printing counter. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 9, 545-546.
DiCara, L. V., & Miller, N. E. (1968). Instrumental learning of peripheral vasomotor responses by rat. Communications in Behavioral Biology, 1, 209-212.
DiCara, L. V., & Miller, N. E. (1968). Instrumental learning of systolic blood pressure responses by curarized rats: Dissociation of cardiac and vascular changes. Psychosomatic Medicine, 30, 489-494.
Dicara, L. V., & Miller, N. E. (1968). Instrumental learning of vasomotor responses by rats: Learning to respond differentially in the two ears. Science, 159, 1485-1486.
DiCara, L. V., & Miller, N. E. (1968). Long term retention of instrumentally learned heart-rate changes in the curarized rat. Communications in Behavioral Biology, Part A, 2, 19-23.
DiCara, L. V., & Miller, N. E. (1968). Changes in heart rate instrumentally learned by curarized rats as avoidance responses. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 65, 8-12.
DiCara, L. V., & Miller, N. E. (1969). Heart-rate learning in the noncurarized state, transfer to the curarized state, and subsequent retraining in the noncurarized state. Physiology and Behavior, 4, 621-624.
DiCara, L. V., & Miller, N. E. (1969). Transfer of instrumentally learned heart-rate changes from curarized and noncurarized state: Implications for a mediational hypothesis. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 68, 159-162.
Dworkin, B. R., Filewich, R. J., daCosta, J., Eissenberg, E., & Miller, N. E. (1980). A chronic arterial catheter and low compliance system for recording blood pressure and heart rate from the rat. American Journal of Physiology, 239, H137-H141.
Dworkin, B. R., Filewich, R. J., Miller, N. E., Craigmyle, N., & Pickering, T. G. (1979). Baroreceptor activation reduces reactivity to noxious
stimulation: Implications for hypertension. Science, 205, 1299-1301.
Dworkin, B. R., & Miller, N. E. (1977). Visceral learning in the curarized rat. In G. E. Schwartz & J. Beatty (Eds.), Biofeedback: Theory and research (pp. 221-242). New York: Academic Press.
Dworkin, B. R., & Miller, N. E. (1986). Failure to replicate visceral learning in the acute curarized rat preparation. Behavioral Neuroscience, 100, 299-314.
Dworkin, B. R., Miller, N. E., & Brines, M. L. (1979). Visceral learning and homeostasis. In Proceedings of the 1979 Joint Automatic Control Conference (pp. 579-582). New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Dworkin, B., Miller, N. E., Dworkin, S., Birbaumer, N., Brines, M. L., Jonas, S., Schwentker, E. P., & Graham, J. J. (1985). Behavioral method for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 82, 2493-2497.
Feirstein, A. R., & Miller, N. E. (1963). Learning to resist pain and fear: Effects of electric shock before versus after reaching goal. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56, 797-800.
Fowler, H., & Miller, N. E. (1963). Facilitation and inhibition of runway performance by hind- and forepaw shock of various intensities. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56, 801-805.
Glazer, H. I., Weiss, J. M., Pohorecky, L. A., & Miller, N. E. (1975). Monoamines as mediators of avoidance-escape behavior. Psychosomatic Medicine, 37, 535-543.
Grossman, S. P., & Miller, N. E. (1961). Control for stimulus-change in the evaluation of alcohol and chlorpromazine as fear-reducing drugs. Psychopharmacologia, 2, 342-351.
Holmes, J. E., & Miller, N. E. (1963). Effects of bacterial endotoxin on water intake, food intake, and body temperature in the albino rat. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 118, 649-658.
Keller, S. E., Weiss, J. M., Schleifer, S. J., Miller, N. E., & Stein, M. (1981). Suppression of immunity by stress: Effect of a graded series of stressors on lymphocyte stimulation in the rat. Science, 213, 1397-1400.
Keller, S. E., Weiss, J. M., Schleifer, S. J., Miller, N. E., & Stein, M. (1983). Stress-induced suppression of immunity in adrenalectomized rats. Science, 221, 1301-1304.
Krantz, D. S., Glass, D. C., Contrada, R., & Miller, N. E. (1981). Behavior and health: Mechanisms and research issues. Social Science Research Council Items, 35, 1-6.
Krieckhaus, E. E., Miller, N. E., & Zimmerman, P. (1965). Reduction of freezing behavior and improvement of shock avoidance by d-amphetamine. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 60, 36-40.
Landis, B., Jovanovic, L., Landis, E., Peterson, C. M., Groshen, S., Johnson, K., & Miller, N. E. (1985). Effect of stress reduction on daily glucose range in previously stabilized insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Diabetes Care, 8, 624-626.
Leibowitz, S. F., & Miller, N. E. (1969). Unexpected adrenergic effect with chlorpromazine: Eating elicited by injection into rat hypothalamus. Science, 165, 609-611.
Lynch, W. C., Hama, H., Kohn, S., & Miller, N. E. (1976). Instrumental control of peripheral vasomotor responses in children. Psychophysiology, 13, 219-221.
Macphail, E. M., & Miller, N. E. (1968). Cholinergic brain stimulation in cats: Failure to obtain sleep. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 65, 499-503.
Matarazzo, J. D., Weiss, S. M., Herd, J.A., Miller, N. E. & Weiss, S. M. (Eds.). (1984). Behavioral health: A handbook of health enhancement and disease prevention. New York: Wiley Interscience.
Murray, E. J., Wells, H., Kohn, M., & Miller, N. E. (1953). Sodium sucaryl: A substance which tastes sweet to human subjects but is avoided by rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 46, 134-137.
Novin, D., & Miller, N. E. (1962). Failure to condition thirst induced by feeding dry food to hungry rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 373-374.
Paolino, R. M., Quartermain, D., & Miller, N. E. (1966). Different temporal gradients of retrograde amnesia produced by carbon dioxide anesthesia and electroconvulsive shock. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 62, 270-274.
Pappas, B. S., DiCara, L. V., & Miller, N. E. (1970). Learning of blood pressure responses in the noncurarized rat: Transfer to the curarized state. Physiology and Behavior, 5, 1029-1032.
Pappas, B. S., DiCara, L. V., & Miller, N. E. (1972). Acute sympathectomy by 6-hydroxydopamine in the adult rat: Effects on cardiovascular conditioning and fear retention. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 79, 230-236.
Pickering, T. G., Brucker, B., Frankel, H. L., Mathias, C. J., Dworking, B. R., & Miller, N. E. (1977). Mechanisms of learned voluntary control of blood pressure in patients with generalized bodily paralysis. In J. Beatty & H. Legewie (Eds.), Biofeedback and behavior (pp. 225-234). New York: Plenum Press.
Pickering, T. G., & Miller, N. E. (1977). Learned voluntary control of heart rate and rhythm in two subjects with premature ventricular contractions. British Heart Journal, 39, 152-159.
Quartermain, D., Kissileff, H., Shapiro, R., & Miller, N. E. (1971). Suppression of food intake with intragastric loading: Relation to natural feeding cycle. Science, 173, 941-943.
Quartermain, D., & Miller, N. E. (1966). Sensory feedback in time response of drinking elicited by carbachol in preoptic area of rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 62, 350-353.
Quartermain, D., Miller, N. E., & Wolf, G. (1967). Role of experience in relationship between sodium deficiency and rate of bar pressing for salt. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 63, 417-420.
Quartermain, D., Paolino, R. M., & Miller, N. E. (1965). A brief temporal gradient of retrograde amnesia independent of situational change. Science, 149, 1116-1118.
Slangen, J. L., & Miller, N. E. (1969). Pharmacological tests for the function of hypothalamic norepinephrine in eating behavior. Physiology and Behavior, 4, 543-552.
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